Prajol Shrestha

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Self-discovery, self-reflection & growth.

The Winner effect

‌Stack small Wins
‌Create healthy relationship with your results.
      -> Reward your effort ,not outcome 
‌Manage expectations 


‌The 10000-hour Rule
‌Importance of opportunity
‌The role of luck and circumstances
‌The power of mindset
‌Understanding outliers
     What work did you do to be outlier?
‌Learning from failure

The Intelligence Trap

‌Intelligence alone doesn't guarantee wise decision -making
‌Beware of confirmation bias 
     -> Challenge your own assumptions
‌Question your own expertise (Cognitive bias)
     Resistance to new perspectives
    -> Maintain beginner's mindset 
‌Understand and manage your own emotions
‌Seek diverse perspective
‌Don't overlook the value of simplicity
‌Learn to filter and prioritize information
‌Reflect on your decision making process


4 types of task
Focused mode:
‌Necessary work -
‌Purposeful work - 
Autopilot mode:
‌Unnecessary work - keeps us busy!
                                   ( Leads towards nowhere)
‌Distracting work - 

Eat that Frog

How to work more in less time?
‌Prioritize wisely
      Tackle most relevant and important task first
‌80/20 rule
       Concentrate efforts on high impact task
       Focus with most significant impact
‌Beat Procrastination
       Overcome delay by taking decisive action on            challenging task
‌Define goals clearly and visualise successful outcomes 


‌Confidence is a skill that can be learned and improved. Other people can't give you.
‌Two types of confidence:
1. Trait confidence (more stable)
     - boosted by developing growth mindset 
     [Note: Growth mindset is the belief that your abilities can be improved through effort and dedication]
2. State confidence (more temporary)
    - boosted by using visualization and positive self-talk 
[ Visualisation: Imagining yourself succeeding in a particular situation
Positive self-talk: Talking to yourself in a supportive and encouraging way.
‌Challenge your negative thoughts
‌Focus on your strength and develop them
‌Set realistic goals
‌Don't be afraid to fail

Einstein’s 7 Rule

Rule #1: Expend your efforts on the things that matter.
Rule #2: Do things you love, even if you’re terrible at them.
Rule #3: Have a puzzle mindset.
Rule #4: Think deeply, both long and hard, about things that truly fascinate you.
Rule #5: Don’t let politics fill you with either rage or despair.
Rule #6: Blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of the truth.
Rule #7: Science, truth, and education are for everyone, not just the privileged few.

The upside of uncertainty

A guide to find possibility in the unknown 
‌Reframe uncertainty as possibility
     - Embrace the potential for unexpected discoveries and hidden path.
‌Develop a Tolerance for Ambiguity
   - Learn to navigate the discomfort of not knowing all the answers 
   - Focus on process of exploration rather than need  for immediate certainty.
‌Build Resilience in the face of change
‌Embrace Experimentation and Iteration
   - The unknown is playground for experimentation.
   - Embrace iterative improvement over seeking perfection.
‌Cultivate Curiosity and openness
   - Approach the unknown with curious mind.
   - Be open to new perspective
   - Let randomness guide you to the unexpected opportunities.
‌Connect with your Intuition and Inner Wisdom
‌Prioritize growth over comfort

The art of being Alone

‌Being alone: A purposeful way for introspection, self-discovery, self-reflection & personal growth.
‌Being lonely: Feeling of isolation and sadness 

Never get angry again

‌Recognize what triggers you. And develop strategies to respond calmly & constructively.
‌Mindfullness and self awareness to obesrve your anger without reacting impulsively , allowing for thoughtful and controlled responses.
‌Take responsibility of your action and reaction.
‌Acknowledge yourself you are the only one who can manage your anger.
‌Resolve conflicts and reduce anger by practicing effective communication.
‌Expectation hurts. So, manage it to prevent your frustration and anger by adopting realistic expectations and accepting that not everything goes as plan.
‌Practicing empathy. Understand Interpersonal relationship. Consider others perspective and feelings.

The organized mind

1. The Limits of Cognitive Capacity:
Lessons may involve an understanding of the limitations of the human brain in processing and managing information.
The book might explore how cognitive overload can lead to stress and decreased productivity, emphasizing the importance of awareness and intentional organization.
3. Organizing Information for Better Decision-Making:
Levitin may offer lessons on the significance of organizing information systematically to enhance decision-making.
The book could provide strategies for categorizing, prioritizing, and structuring information to improve cognitive efficiency and the quality of decision outcomes.
5. The Impact of Multitasking on Productivity:
The book may highlight the negative effects of multitasking on productivity and cognitive performance.
Lessons might involve recognizing the importance of focused attention, minimizing distractions, and adopting strategies for single-tasking to achieve better results.
7. Mindfulness and Mental Organization:
Lessons could include the benefits of mindfulness in mental organization.
The book might explore practices such as meditation and mindfulness techniques as tools for reducing cognitive clutter, enhancing focus, and improving overall mental clarity.
9. Strategies for Information Management:
Levitin may provide practical lessons on managing the influx of information in daily life.
This could involve techniques for organizing digital and physical spaces, utilizing technology effectively, and creating systems that facilitate information retrieval and processing.

The Confident Mind

1. Confidence as a Skill:
Confidence is a skill that can be strengthened through daily practice. It is not an innate trait but something that can be developed and improved over time.

2. Six Pillars of Confidence:
six pillars for developing confidence:   a. self-talk,
                                         b. visualization,
                                         c. goal setting,
                                         d. energy management,
                                         e. focus,
                                         f. mindfulness.

3. Overcoming Self-Doubt:
overcome self-doubt, anxiety, and stress, to master each pillar of confidence.

4. Harnessing Belief in Oneself: (Self-Belief)
power to choose what one thinks, remembers, and believes about oneself as untouchable, highlighting the importance of self-belief.

5. Combining Competence and Confidence:
Peak performance in any profession requires a combination of both the "skills required to complete the task" and the "confidence needed to perform under pressure".
Competence isn't squandered due to a lack of mental fortitude.

6. Understanding Confidence:
how to understand it, build it, protect it, and rely upon it when performance matters most .

Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It

A humorous exploration of philosophy that illustrate the ever-evolving nature of life's meaning. It is a call for personal reflection on the things that make us human – our anxieties, our desires, our longing for belonging and purpose. Here are some key aspects of the book:

1. The Endless Path, Not the Elusive Grail: 
Forget the myth of finding a "meaning" you can tick off and say, "Done!" Instead, embrace the ongoing journey of exploring, questioning, and redefining what matters to you. 

2. Laugh in the Face of the Abyss: 
Humor becomes a shield against existential anxieties. Laughing at life's absurdities doesn't diminish their significance; it allows us to face them with courage and find comfort in the shared human experience. Think of it like dancing on the edge of the unknown, with a smile on your face.

4. Life is not a text; it's a Lived Experience: 
Don't get lost in academic abstractions. Dive into life's messy reality, build relationships, face challenges, and learn from your experiences. The lessons gleaned from everyday moments contribute significantly to the tapestry of your personal meaning. Remember, wisdom isn't just found in books; it's woven into the fabric of your life.

5. Embracing the Dance of Opposites: 
Life isn't black and white; it's a messy waltz of joy and sorrow, love and loss, certainty and doubt. Learn to hold these paradoxes without desperately seeking resolution. The tension itself can spark creativity, growth, and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

6. Finding Meaning in the Mundane: 
Don't wait for life-changing epiphanies. Notice the small joys that weave through your days – a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, a child's laughter, a moment of connection with a loved one. These seemingly insignificant moments can be deeply meaningful when savoured and appreciated. Small steps build the path to a fulfilling life.

7. You are the Artist, not the Finder: 
Meaning isn't a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered; it's a canvas you actively paint with your choices, actions, and perspectives. Take ownership of your life, make conscious decisions, and create a sense of purpose through your engagement with the world. Remember, you are the author of your own story, not just a reader of fate's pre-written script.

8. Openness to Change is Key: 
Don't cling to any one definition of meaning, as life is a constant process of change and evolution. Remain open to shifting perspectives, adapting to new experiences, and redefining your purpose as you learn and grow. Your meaning is not a stagnant pond, but a flowing river, evolving with the currents of life.

Switch On Your Brain

1: The Neurobiology of Creativity
Creativity is not just about having a good idea; it's also about the ability to execute that idea. The brain plays a crucial role in both the generation and implementation of creative ideas.

2: The Impact of Neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experience. This means that you can enhance your creativity by engaging in activities that stimulate the brain and promote new connections.

3: The Power of Attention
Attention is the ability to focus on a particular task or stimulus. By mastering your attention, you can improve your ability to concentrate, learn, and generate new ideas.

4: The Role of Memory
Memory is essential for creativity, as it allows you to store and access information that can be used to generate new ideas. Improving your memory can enhance your creative potential.

5: The Importance of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance your creativity.

6: The Benefits of Creative Stimulation
Creative stimulation, such as engaging in art, music, or writing, can have a positive impact on the brain. It can promote neuroplasticity, improve memory, and enhance problem-solving skills.

7: Cultivating a Creative Mindset
A creative mindset is the belief that you have the ability to generate new ideas and solve problems. By adopting a creative mindset, you can increase your chances of success in any endeavor.