Study of Mind
Mind: Information processor (Represent and transform information)
A. Brain Structure & Function
- The Brain:
- Cerebral cortex
- Cerebellum
AI: Self-organizing Map
- Nervous System:
- Neurons
- Neural Plasticity
- Neuro-Development
- Neuro-Imaging
- Measuring neural activity
- Neural connectivity
B. Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Lesioning
- Lateralization
C. Sensory Nervous System: Sensation & Perception
- Olfactory System: Sense of smell
- Gustatory System: Sense of taste
- Auditory System: Sense of hearing
- Somatosensory System: Sense of touch (temperature, body position and pain)
- Proprioception: Sensing oneself
- Introception: Sensing inside world (guts, intestine…)
- Extroception: Sensing outside world
- Pain
- Visual System: Sense of vision
- Edge detection with linear filter [prewitt, sobel filter …]
- Convolutional Neural Network (apply filters for multiple rounds)
- Object Recognition
- Encoder - Decoder (Decode brain activity to natural images)
- Object Detection
- Vestibular (Motor) System: Sense of balance
- Control Theory
- PID Controller
- Brain Machine Interface (BMI)
- Vocal System: Voice and language
D. Memory
External World —> Sensory Processor —> Short-term/Working Memory —> Long-term Memory
- Types of Memory:
1. Sensory Memory
- Short-term Memory
- Working Memory
- Long-term Memory
- Free will: Act without external influences
- Consciousness: Awareness of internal and external existence
- Global workspace theory
- Integrated information theory
- Damasio’s theory of consciousness
- Emotions: Collection of unconscious neural responses to int/external stimuli
- Feeling(2nd order emotion): Arises when an organism becomes aware of changes it is experiencing
Q. Will we ever have a conscious machine? ==> Many important algorithms have been devised, however, many additional techniques have to be discovered yet.